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  • Ung i Världen

    Posted on:2024-08-24
  • Bar Total

    Posted on:2024-08-24
  • internet monkeymind

    Posted on:2024-05-14
  • the internet is like the global scale equivalent of the monkey mind.

  • Internet free week

    Posted on:2024-05-07
  • Real vs. online worlds

    Posted on:2024-04-28
  • plain old text

    Posted on:2024-04-28
  • just plain old text is just not my medium # ignore translations: ただの古いテキストは私の媒体ではありません केवलं साधारणः पुरातनः पाठः केवलं मम माध्यमः नास्ति വെറും പഴയ വാചകം എൻ്റെ മാധ്യമമല്ല жай ғана ескі мәтін менің ортам емес مجرد نص قديم عادي ليس وسيلة لي

    • An attempt to dominate

      Posted on:2024-04-09
    • gneder

      Posted on:2024-03-30
    • Not only to shroud myself in mystery— But because gneder is just frickenv and identity especially on the internet is so fluid, I will henceforth use more anonymbivolous & fun pronouns like ze, sie, ve/hir, em, ver/vis, hirs etc. when referring to yours truly here. You can call still me whatever, peace ✌️

      • On graffiti

        Posted on:2024-03-20
      • update

        Posted on:2024-03-18
      • Slightly updated my web scraping methods for Chromedriver-autoinstaller finally let me run the scraper script without having to download a new driver for Chrome every time. I am now saving to JSON files and importing them with webpack instead of writing to a text file and copy the contents into a massive array in my Javascript (which webpack now does for me). The scraper can now be run with command line arguments of which semesters to download.

        I have also switched hosting from Neocities to Netlify (same as this site) because it’s free, even though supporting neocities was nice.

        Next step is importing the JSON data more dynamically/lazily to avoid the slow page load.

      • Cradled by Mother nature

        Posted on:2024-03-15
      • drawing 2024-03-15

        Posted on:2024-03-15
      • drawing 2024-03-07

        Posted on:2024-03-07
      • A third place

        Posted on:2024-03-03
      • I joined a webring!

        Posted on:2024-03-01
      • drawing 2024-03-01

        Posted on:2024-03-01
      • drawing 2024-02-27

        Posted on:2024-02-27
      • Organizing Ideas

        Posted on:2024-02-19
      • Best quote I read today:

        Posted on:2024-02-03
      • Eat the rich

        ”It’s more sustainable, creates more food, is significantly healthier (it makes vegetables and fruits) and just overall less gross to compost the rich. Added benefit is that compost sequesters carbon, feeds nutrients back to the soil and helps rebuild healthy O/A top layers to eroded soil so it literally immediately starts correcting one of the wrongs of capitalist ecological rape”

        ~DirtyHomlessWizard source

        • Terminal Website

          Posted on:2024-02-03
        • demitri sticker

          Posted on:2024-02-01
        • wall painting

          Posted on:2024-02-01
        • panestor

          Posted on:2024-01-21
        • microblog

          Posted on:2024-01-21
        • Trying out microblog-style posts in the feed together with normal blog article posts! Complete with links and images! full

          • ❤️👾

            Posted on:2024-01-17
          • I love the internet ❤️👾

            Specifically the people’s internet.

            This blog is only my means of telling you that :)


            Posted on:2024-01-16
          • Crying Out

            Posted on:2024-01-13
          • Picture of the day Webplayer

            Posted on:2023-04-07

            Posted on:2023-01-01