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Welcome to blogelogeluren! 😸

Hi there! I suppose this is the place for a brief intro to the site. Blogelogeluren is a quick and dirty way for @turpelurpeluren to get hirs thoughts out in the world. Sometimes I post drawings, sometimes esoteric ramblings and sometimes tech-projects.

A good place to start exploring would be the featured notes down below or the /now page.

Featured notes

all /notes ->

Site colors

  • Internal links, meaning you don't leave this site when you click them, are naive green.
  • Visited internal links become, with time, just as yourself, a sligthly more mature green.
  • External links are this blue color which you might recognize from a little place called the Interweb.
  • Visited external links symbolize your gained knowledge with a magicians purple.
  • Buttons and *flare* appear orange. Just as I like it.
  • The background is light dark as you can see. Change the theme under the profile picture, or in the menu on mobile. You can also switch between a monospace and sans-serif font.